We, at the Breck Film Fest, are ECSTATIC about our Opening Night film announced!
The greatest strength of Saturday Night Live veteran Gilda Radner was her impeccable ability to tell stories. Love, Gilda, by Magnolia Pictures, uncovers the diaries, video and audio tapes of Gilda’s life, and weaves together a brilliant documentary of the television icon. Combining home videos, interviews from Gilda’s friends, and readings of her diaries by modern comedians, director Lisa D’Apolito has constructed a heartfelt glimpse into Gilda’s fascinating story.
Go to breckfilmfest.org to purchase tickets for for Love, Gilda. Our Opening Night is brought to you by Breckenridge Real Estate Associates, the most up-to-date search for homes in Summit County. You can find more info here-https://www.breckenridgeassociates.com/